Tag Archives: Physics

Comments on Storing quantum information permanently

Storing quantum information permanently – While rocking my son to sleep, I have been catching up on some reading and finely read this interesting article on quantum memory. The basic premise is that scientists have come up with a way to store information geometrically, in this case using a torus. Sound familiar to anyone… sounds like Architecture to me.

Case in point, my finally grad studio was on formalizing knowledge geometrically to create a library. The instructor encouraged us to us topological knots, such as torus's. Though my pursuit ended up exploring cellular automata instead, this article is fascinating as it points a way in which topological knots might actually be used to store knowledge.

Comments on Theoretical physics breakthrough: Generating matter and antimatter from the vacuum

Theoretical physics breakthrough: Generating matter and antimatter from the vacuum – Space is never truly empty. Even a vacuum isn't pure absence. Scientists at the University of Michigan have proposed a theory where using a strong laster, once can generate additional particles from a vacuum. They are now working on ways to prove it experimentally, but the basic concept is mind incredible. A true void doesn't exist, all space is intensely charged with matter.

Comments on New look at relativity: Electrons can’t exceed the speed of light — thanks to light itself, says biologist

New look at relativity: Electrons can’t exceed the speed of light — thanks to light itself, says biologist – A Cornell Biologist has suggested that it is the viscous nature of ever present protons that act as the limit for why Electrons can't exceed the speed of light.

As suggested in the paper, space is rarely, truly empty, but always contains some intensive structure that determines the capacities of the objects that inhabit it.

Much like how gravity forms the shape and contour of space-time, the Cornell biologist is suggesting that light forms a kind of viscous medium throughout that space.


Comments on Invisibility cloak could hide buildings from quakes – New Scientist

Invisibility cloak could hide buildings from quakes – New Scientist – The physics behind optical invisibility cloaks that have been gaining so much attention have other possibilities. Scientists at the Fresnel Institute have worked out a potential technology for cloaking buildings from surface waves caused by Earthquakes and Tsunami. The technology uses tuned rings that might end up being installed in the foundations of a building to propagate a wave around the building, leaving the wave virtually untouched. Such a technique might also work for vibration isolators for equipment. The physics can be applied to all sorts of wave phenomenon and are filled with possibilities.

Yet what might this hold for the design of Architecture. Surely the practical implications are big enough but the conceptual ones are interesting too. Too often Architecture is thought to be an expression of some conceptual intent, but what might a building that cloaks intentions, expressions and movement be like. What can the idea of an architecture of the invisible teach us.