It is difficult to come to a conclusion on the Ningbo Historic Mueseum as it seems to defy any kind of clear reading, but whatever the building is, it is definitely intriguing.
Comments on Ningbo Historic Museum / Wang Shu, Amateur Architecture Studio-Arch Daily
Ningbo Historic Museum / Wang Shu, Amateur Architecture Studio-Arch Daily – The Ningbo Historic Museum is a strange combination of local Chinese construction methods and contemporary formal logic. Made of board formed concrete, stone masonry and clay tiles mixed into patches, the walls of the building splay and tilt as they rise form the ground. Like a material collage, the building challenges one’s understanding of design as the hands of the workers can clearly be seen in the patches of material. Windows are sprinkled throughout the walls with little apparent logic. The interior courtyards are floored with gray wood decking from which the walls seeming to float above. The interiors are more refined and have a feel of many contemporary buildings while not giving up on a distinctly crafted feel.
For those interested in knowing more about this building and its architect, we just published “Local Hero | Wang Shu”, an interview by Bert de Muynck with Wang Shu (Amateur Architecture Studio) that was published in MARK Magazine#19. The interview took place in December in the then recently completed Historic Museum in Ningbo. Wang Shu talks about the above Historic Museum and explains his design philosophy by going deeper in some of his recent constructions like the Contemporary Art Museum (Ningbo), Five Scattered Houses (Ningbo), the Historic Museum (Ningbo), Xiangshan Campus (Huangzhou) and the Ceramic House (Jinhua). [post] [interview]